Dr Jianyi Cheng

Assistant Professor
University of Edinburgh


5.25, Informatics Forum,

University of Edinburgh,

Edinburgh, UK EH8 9AB

I am an Assistant Professor at the ICSA Institute of the University of Edinburgh. My research aims to automatically produce small, fast, low-energy and secure computing systems using formal methods. My research interests include high-level synthesis, formal methods, deep learning systems and hardware security. I have a wide range of research collaborators, and you can find them in my publcation list.

Prior to that, I was a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory with Prof. Timothy M. Jones. I was also a visiting researcher at Imperial College London, hosted by Dr Aaron Zhao. I completed my PhD at the CAS group of Imperial College London with Prof. George A. Constantinides and Dr John Wickerson.

If you are interested in working with me as an undergraduate or PhD student, please check Joining us.

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Selected Publications
  1. ISCA 2025
    Adaptive CHERI Compartmentalization for Heterogeneous Accelerators
    Jianyi Cheng , A. Theodore Marketto , Alexandre Joannou , Paul Metzger , Matthew Naylor , and Timothy Jones
  2. ASPLOS 2024
    SEER: Super-Optimization Explorer for High-Level Synthesis using E-Graph Rewriting
    Jianyi Cheng , Samuel Coward , Lorenzo Chelini , Rafael Barbalho , and Theo Drane
  3. TC 2023
    Balancing Static Islands in Dynamically Scheduled Circuits using Continuous Petri Nets
    Jianyi Cheng , Estibaliz Fraca , John Wickerson , and George A Constantinides
  4. FCCM 2022
    Dynamic C-Slow Pipelining for HLS
    Jianyi Cheng , John Wickerson , and George A Constantinides
  5. TC 2021
    Efficient Memory Arbitration in High-Level Synthesis from Multi-Threaded Code
    Jianyi Cheng , Shane T Fleming , Yu Ting Chen , Jason Anderson , John Wickerson , and George A Constantinides
  6. FPGA 2020
    Combining Dynamic & Static Scheduling in High-Level Synthesis
    Jianyi Cheng , Lana Josipovic , George A Constantinides , Paolo Ienne , and John Wickerson