Dr Jianyi Cheng
Assistant Professor
University of Edinburgh

5.25, Informatics Forum,
University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK EH8 9AB
I am an Assistant Professor at the ICSA Institute of the University of Edinburgh. My research aims to automatically produce small, fast, low-energy and secure computing systems using formal methods. My research interests include high-level synthesis, formal methods, deep learning systems and hardware security. I have a wide range of research collaborators, and you can find them in my publcation list.
Prior to that, I was a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory with Prof. Timothy M. Jones. I was also a visiting researcher at Imperial College London, hosted by Dr Aaron Zhao. I completed my PhD at the CAS group of Imperial College London with Prof. George A. Constantinides and Dr John Wickerson.
Fully-funded PhD positions for 2025 Fall are available. Please check Joining us if interested in applying.
For undergraduate/master projects and summer internships, please email me your CV if interested.